What Does Scientology Do?

What Does Scientology Do?

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The Ultimate Guide To Scientology

Perhaps, this time, due to our efforts, an altruistic world can exist. Scientology wants you-- your mind, your spirit, your spirit. Matthew 6:24 Jesus Christ or L.

Ron Hubbard Before the beginning was start Cause and reason entire purpose of function Cause was reason creation of effect - Scientology.

And the function of a measurement point is space and a factor of sight. The action of a dimension point is getting to and taking out. And from the viewpoint to the dimension factors there are link and interchange. Hence new dimension factors are made. Hence there is interaction. And hence there is light.

Scientology Can Be Fun For Everyone

Humbly tendered as a gift to man by L. Ron Hubbard April 23, 1953 We of the Church believe: That all guys of whatever race, color or creed were produced with equivalent legal rights. That all males have natural civil liberties to their very own spiritual practices and their performance.

That all men have inalienable rights to their own sanity. That all men have inalienable rights to their own defense. That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist and sustain their very own companies, churches and federal governments. That all males have natural legal rights to believe easily, to talk freely, to create openly their own viewpoints and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.

That the spirits of males have the legal rights of men. That the study of the mind and the recovery of psychologically caused sickness must not be pushed away from religion or pardoned in nonreligious fields. And that no company less than God has the power to put on hold or allot these civil liberties, overtly or discreetly.

Some Known Details About Scientology

That he is seeking to endure. That his survival depends upon himself and upon his others, and his attainment of brotherhood with the Cosmos. [Etc.] (from Those Curious New Cults, by William J. Petersen )Exactly How, after that, can Scientology be evaluated by scriptural Christianity? Its primary presumption that male is basically great is not scriptural.

Second, Scientology's highest authority is not Jesus Christ or the Christian Holy bible yet a science fiction author called L. Ron Hubbard. Third, to Scientology God is unimportant.

Nothing is said regarding the circumstances of the poor, the sick, the homeless and oppressed. Comparison that to scriptural Christianity which offers salvation without money and without rate.

Male's reason will produce best actions and therefore resolve all the issues of the human circumstance. (from The Obstacle of the Cults, by Maurice Burrell) Scientology: Although the Bible is used to reinforce up the sect's ideas, the source of Scientology's approach and modern technology is Hubbard himself. Christianity: As words of God, the Scriptures is the benchmark versus which all cases (consisting of those of Hubbard) need to be gauged.

Things about Scientology

Christianity: God is Trinity, Papa, Kid and Holy Spirit, three Persons within the unity of the Godhead. Scientology: Christ has no important or central area in the sect's mentors. Christianity: "God sent his Child to be the Savior of the globe." Scientology: Guy is essentially good, yet "engrams" (emotional hang-ups) prevent him from reaching his complete possibility.

Christianity: Male requires to be saved from transgression and to be provided new life. Both are readily available from God with faith in Christ. Atack, Jon. 1990. An Item of Blue Sky. Secaucus, New Jacket: Carol Publishing Team. Burrell, Maurice. 1982. The Difficulty of the Cults. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Publication Home.

L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman. Bare Dealt With Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard. Those Curious New Cults in the 80's.

Not known Incorrect Statements About Scientology

Can you be a Christian and a Scientologist? This emerged as the sticking question during my check out to a Scientology church in Clearwater, Florida. I'll talk with any individual regarding anything this post and I want the fact. When Karen, a Scientologist for even more than 40 years, called the radio program to challenge my usage of the word cult in referral to Scientology, I welcomed her to satisfy me and take me on an excursion of her church.

She had been elevated in it - Scientology. She declares Scientology gave her something the Christian church never ever did: a particular collection of actions to follow, concepts and principles, that actually make her life much better.

And therein exists the challenge like it The Church of Scientology provides to the Church of Jesus Christ in the world today. Individuals have really felt requirements and they don't view those needs to be fulfilled at/through/by church. While we understand there will certainly always be incorrect instructors looking for to split and trick, it is a major stricture of the organized church in America when individuals are presented with some kind of the gospel that requires a supplement.

Indicators on Scientology You Need To Know

The founder of Scientology, L. Scientology.Ron Hubbard, produced the company and wrote the creed in reaction to the ethical decrease in culture. He wished to instruct individuals just how to be better and utilized principles usual to all faiths in the creation of his own. And indeed, he obtained really, really rich along the road

What he crafted was a manufactured replacement for the transforming and sanctifying job of the Holy Spirit, as if man might conserve and restore himself. Scientology suggests a methodology that ensures joy and has no room for the idea of redemptive poise. Freedom in Christ is the complimentary present of God to those who believe.

Jesus surrendered the glory of Heaven and condescended to imp source our physical truth in order to pass away as an atoning sacrifice for transgression and resolve us to God. Which work is finished. Yes, we spend our whole lives being brought right into ever greater consistency with that Christ is, yet the work of salvation is already done.

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